EAM OSS Correction Notes-743706-edited.jpg

Master Data Governance For Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)

OSS Correction Notes for EAM 9.1 (ECC and S/4HANA) 
2587625 Consolidated Post UGI EAM 9.1 Base Code Corrections
2591372 Issue in Creating an Equipment in MDG Replication client with User status other than default  Values
2590796 Issue with Change in Class Status in Service Master Classification
2596504 Issue with MPMI Work center # Multi-lingual text display
2596695 Replication of MRO BOM trigger by CR activation: Mapping MDG key to DRF key
2591991 UGI EAM 9.1 - FIORI OData Correction
2598463 UGI EAM 9.1 Fiori UI Corrections
2598726 Function Location description updated as BLANK after change
2599292 Issue with Replication of an Equipment that has valid Workcenter attached
2599926 Issue with derivation of maintenance and planning plant during Equipment change
2600021 Dutch translation correction for labels Mass  and Side Panel
2600472 Additional Code corrections for GDPR Post EAM 9.1
2604439 Issues with Equipment Description field while performing Equipment SOP change and File Upload Create 
2604537 IDoc is stuck with Status "64' when UGI Package is Installed in Non-MDG Transactional Systems
2606461 Technical Error while updating  an installed equipment by providing workcenter value from Location tab
2615285 Issue with Equipment creation having superior equipment attached in replication client
2602528 Issue with Equipment Hana Search when you search by Functional Location or Cost Center
2590020 Issue with Address number and Position(floc) in the MDG replication client for Functional Location and Equipment
2626069 Issue with UGI Equipment Mass change Selection Criteria
2634036 Technical Exception while selecting EQUI Search method in MDG EAM 9.1.
2633342 Technical Error with F4 help for workcenter from task list operations relationships list
2637073 Issue with F4 Search help for Funcloc in EAM 9.1 when deployed in MDG 9.1
2640772 Issue with "Valid From Date" while creating an Equipment in MDG
2640989 Issue with derivation of superior functional location in SAP MDG
2642357 Issue with FUNCLOC DB search when Alternative label is active in EAM 9.1
2645008 Issue with Functional Location-Partner Validation in EAM 9.1
2645352 Issue with selection of blank characteristics value from "Select Characteristics" button in EAM 9.1
2645471 Issue with update of Sales and Distribution attributes in Funcloc EAM 9.1
2647146 Issues with User status attributes of Equipment and Functional Location in EAM 9.1
2653168 Functional location: Dump occurs during file upload with ref floc in MDG EAM 9.1
2651670 Issue with the EQUI LAM data attributes Length, Start point, End point in MDG
2655334 Issue with search help of attribute "CLASS" in file download screen of EAM 9.1
2658685 Formatting issue with EAM LAM data attributes Length, Start point, End point in MDG
2658829 Issue with Equipment System status modification while doing Mass change
2658948 Issue with selection of  Material in SerData tab of  equipment in EAM 9.1

OSS Correction Notes for UGI v7.30 SP01 (ECC and S/4HANA)
2488720 Consolidated Post SP01 UGI3 corrections
2495493 Consolidated Post UGI 730 SP01 base corrections 
2499859 Consolidated post SP01 Note 2
2506567 UGI EAM 730 Fiori UI Corrections
2513230 UGI EAM 730 Fiori OData Corrections
2518482 Work Center Inbound process fails with Multiple Object Processing
2518592 Incorrect message handling for Functional Location in equipment
2523474 Equipment status is not updating properly within MOCR for multiple status update operations

2526325 Issue With User Status
2526062 Replication of characteristics fails
2527682 Floc Replication status issue, the marked line is not transferred to the status screen
2527685 Issue with EQUI Search -> Replication Status - ID is Not transferred
2529715 Functional Location User Status with leading 'I' fails to replicate
2530337 Equipment category validation is missing while processing Equipment’s in Mixed MOP Change requests
2530967 Classification IDoc is getting failed when mapping is set as not defined
2536553 Functional Location: Search-Copy: new ID from popup is not transferred to next screen
2537544 Functional Location User Status with leading 'I' fails to replicate
2537893 Equipment User Status with leading 'I' fails to replicate
2540292 Construction Type attribute was not available in MDG Change Documents for Functional location and Equipment.
2540470 Issue with Floc-Task List Copy - Activation fails if source Floc is marked for deletion
2546362 File Download Issue with MDG Equipment
2549172 Usage of the Copy from the SOP UI during equipment create
2552868 Issue in defaulting characteristics values while assigning a class in EQUI and FLOC
2553295 Characteristics Value Search help is not showing overwritten values
2556484 Characteristics Values not saving without pressing ENTER
2556814 Latest Superior Functional Location is not being displayed
2557641 UGI3 Wrong Process Code Issue
2558839 Invalid Warning message when performing Mark for deletion of Functional Location
2563196 Change Document does not work for Functional Location in the target system
2577655 Handling of Recursive Equipment in MDG-EAM
2577829 Performance Issue in CR activation for Equipment Master
2581019 Incorrect class index in MDG EQUI & FLOC
2582789 Functional Location Classification is not saved
2582819 Equipment Classification is not saved
2583572 Issue with FLOC search when alternative label is active
2587150 Dump while sorting values of characterics
2589058 Issue with User Status update while Changing Functional Location in MDG
2590020 Issue with Address number and Position(floc) in the MDG replication client for Functional Location and Equipment 
2599822 Method /UGI/MDG_BS_EAM_ACCESS=>DERIVE_REFEQUI has invalid Entity name
2599292 Issue with Replication of an Equipment that has valid Workcenter attached
2596827 Inconsistency in error message handling
2597318 Issue with multiple active User status in the target system
2602528 Issue with Equipment Hana Search when you search by Functional Location or Cost Center
2603909 Click on Approved - 'Marked for Deletion' CR is displaying a Blank screen

2619057 Issue with the display of characteristic dimension unit while adding ...
2619549 Work Center Intervals and Shifts data is being cleared
2626069 Issue with UGI Equipment Mass change Selection Criteria
2637830 Hyperlink to the message /UGI/MDG_EAM_EQ-017 does not exist in EAM 730SP01
2638720 Issue with user status update for FLOC while marking for deletion
2640772 Issue with "Valid From Date" while creating an Equipment in MDG
2646733 Measuring Point UI refresh issue after CR activation in SOP
2647812 Issue with deletion of characteristics in EAM 730 SP01
2647835 Issue with deriving data from reference equipment in equipment file upload
2647346 HANA search issue for measuring point while searching with equipment or functional location fields in EAM 730 SP01
2658685 Formatting issue with EAM LAM data attributes Length, Start point, End point in MDG