Title - 10 Secrets to a Successful Data Migration
Presenter - Peter Aynsley-Hartwell, Chief Technology Officer at Utopia, Inc.
In a recent survey, 93 percent of enterprises who were implementing a large ERP said that they had significant data management issues during the course of their data migration project. Of that group, more than 75 percent of those experienced data management issues late in the project. By late in the project, we mean during realization or during final prep or during their life.
Presenter Peter Aynsley-Hartwell shares his insights on 10 key areas where you can focus on, that will ensure that you're not in that group of people that find out that they have a data issue after they go live. He'll show how you can be in the group of people that find out that they have issues with their data early in the project, during the project prep phase or during the business blueprint phase. With this approach, you'll have significantly extra time to be able to deal with and manage any issues that you may have with your data in the legacy system before you move it into your brand new system.